
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It was the best of times...

So much to do in such a little... well, you know how that goes. I apologize for the lull but don't think we haven't been at work behind the scenes. In most recent news, the Fanadec family has just gotten a little bit bigger as I now welcome Andy Glynn to the Fanatical Decimator team! It's awesome to have help with a project like what we are doing here, and to briefly paraphrase Andy's earlier post, if you want something to be, you better make it happen. Anyone can bitch about the problem but how many people are motivated to find the solution? Think about it.

We got a lot of work to do here but I rather much do the work than talk about it, so pay attention around here while we update the page with new designs, layouts and of course new music and cool shit! I have said this many times before but the Sif Rhippus album is SO fucking close to being done it is retarded! My ears were in need of a much deserved break and all I will say is that my fresh ears can tell these tunes are fucking TITS! The entire 7 song ep will be available on bandcamp as soon as it is done; tentatively tomorrow!! YEAH IT IS LIKE THAT FUCKING CLOSE.

In other news, Andy and I have been jamming on this BR00taall new shit with Ryan Hurley from Citizen Kraang and our buddy Tyler Heaton. It is fast, visceral and violent so be prepared for a face-melting demo coming your way soon! For now, check out these pictures I've snapped over the last couple of weeks:

 The result of some asshole who almost ran me over on my board between class

 Rooftop bar @ Terminal 5

The next bunch of pics are from the Flaming Lips show at said venue last week. It was pretty fucking rad, except for that really confusing part where Yoko Ono got on stage and yodeled in some fucked up language I assumed was Japanglish. The rest of the show was super rad, hopefully some videos to come. PEACE!

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